NOTES TO THE REPORTS 1. The first report is an overview of the descendants of Jacobus Cornelis van Seestraten and Marijtje Simonsdr. 2. The second overview is the ancester table (Ahnentafel) of Nicoletta Catharina Maria Zeestraten. Seven generations are complete (up to 1750). Maternal ancestors (Ruigrok) and paternal (Zeestraten) date back to before 1600. In addition to the data from the Civil Registry, limited information and facts per person are stated. More information and reports in the future. SPECIAL REPORTS ZEESTRATEN The family of Cornelis Zeestraten (1872 - 1934) and Cornelia Stassen (1874 - 1963) is well known, thanks to two authors: Maria Catharina Zeestraten and Mary E. Weeks. Maria Catharina (sister of Cornelis) writes in her ‘Gedenkschriften’ (Memoirs, 1965, in Dutch)  about the family in the Netherlands: the death of father Peter Zeestraten, the consequences of that for the family and how they are constantly struggling to survive. This story is also included in the book of the genealogy Zeestraten of 1989. Mary E. Weeks (born Killinger, granddaughter of Cornelius and Cornelia) describes in her book  'Forgotten Pioneers’ (published in 1982), the memories of her aunt Cora (Cornelia Sophia Zeestraten, daughter of Cornelis and Cornelia) on emigration to, and the first years of stay in the US of Cornelis Zeestraten, his family and some of his brothers. They stay in Holland Ville, near Chinook in Montana, untill about 1920 a heavy hailstorm destroyed all crops on the land. Again, constantly a matter of struggling to survive, despite major setbacks. Both stories are reproduced in their original form. I only I made a paragraph allocation and, where necessary, improved the punctuation. These stories are recorded a long time (60 years or more) after the events. So it is not surprising that some details do not match documents in the archives. Using the archives, we can now illustrate family relationships and the events of that time and fill in or correct further details. Comments appear in footnotes. In both stories the names of different family members appear many times. Therefore, I made a schedule to show the family links. Some names are color framed. These colors indicate the boat the person is emigrated with to the US, as indicated in the legend. SS Ivernia SS Statendam You can find more information about the Ivernia on This website shows pictures of the cabins and other accommodations, and tells stories about other accomodations on board. If you click a link, the page opens in a new window. If this window is closed, you will return to this page. Comments or questions, preferably by e-mail.
Jacob Cornelis Zeestraten X ca. 1680 Marijtje Simosdr . Cornelia Zeestraten Maria Catharina Zeestraten X 1925 Petrus Cornelis Kluck Willibrordus Zeestraten Anna Petronella Zeestraten ( Zuster Egidia ) Henricus Martinus Zeestraten X 1929 Mary E. Schoep Gerardus Zeestraten X 1923 Mary E. Schoep Johannes Zeestraten Sophia Maria Zeestraten X 1893 Johannes Stephanus Braak XX 1910 Benedictus de Ruijte Hendrikus Zeestraten 1873-1951 Cornelis  (Neal) Zeestraten X 1936 Elionora Meir Joseph Zeestraten X ?? Anna Ester Mezey Elisabeth (Bessie) Zeestraten Maria Catharina (Mary) Zeestraten X ?? Meyer Petrus Paulus Zeestraten Catharina  Maria Zeestraten Joseph Maria Zeestraten Petrus Martinus Zeestraten X 1928 Doris Elisabeth Hubbard Mary Killinger 1930 ??? Weeks Dingena Zeestraten X 1923 Joseph Otto Killinger Maria Zeestraten Petrus Martinus Zeestraten Jacobus Adrianus Zeestraten Cornelia Sophia Cora Zeestraten X 1918 Rouke  de Boer Cornelis Zeestraten X 1897 Cornelia (Kay) Stassen Petrus Zeestraten X 1871 Cornelia van der Riet Daughter of Jacobus Stassen and Dingena Rubbens , brother of Wilhelmus Nicolaas  (Billy) Stassen ' Gedenkschriften ' (1965) 'Forgotten Pioneers' 1982 Date and ship unknown SS Statendam  Rotterdam - New york  1907 SS Ivernia , Liverpool - Boston, Mass., 1908 The meaning of the colored boxes  : Site Map Site Map